Welcome to the home page of
The Finnish National Esophago-Gastric Cancer Cohort
(FINEGO) collaborative group.

Esophageal cancer is the sixth, and gastric cancer the third leading cause of cancer related death in the World. In total, about 1,5 million people with esophagogastric cancers are diagnosed in the World each year.

We are a Finnish multicenter collaborative conducting research on esophageal and gastric cancers aiming to improve the management and treatment of these cancers worldwide. Our nationwide collaborative comprises of surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, biostatisticians, residents and medical students interested in esophageal and gastric cancers, representing all geographical areas in Finland.

If you are interested in collaboration, do not hesitate to contact us.

Data collection

We are collecting data from nationwide registries and patient records,
as well as tissue samples from biobanks and healthcare providers in Finland.


years of follow up


potential patients identified


patient records assessed


studies published